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No. Panggil | |
Subyek/Subjek | Bahasa Inggris |
Klasifikasi | |
Judul Seri | GMD | Skripsi |
Bahasa | English |
Penerbit | Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo |
Tahun Terbit | 2013 |
Tempat Terbit | Purworejo |
Kolasi | |
Catatan | |
Detil Spesifik | ABSTRACT Pratiwi, Yuliyanti. 2012. The Conformity of Maxims of Politeness Done by The Main Characters of Eat Pray Love. A Thesis. English Departement Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Science Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Ms. Juita Triana, M.Pd. Key words: conformity, maxims of politeness, main character. The purposes of this study are: 1) to describe the conformity of tact maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie; 2) to describe the conformity of generosity maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie; 3) to describe the conformity of approbation maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie; 4) to describe the conformity of modesty maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie; 5) to describe the conformity of agreement maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie; 6) to describe the conformity of sympathy maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie. Researcher used descriptive qualitative method because the purpose of this study is to describe the conformity of maxims of politeness done by the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie. The data is the utterances spoken by Elizabeth Gilbert as the main characters in Eat Pray Love movie containing the maxims of politeness principle that are tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. The data about the utterances of the main characters were collected through documentation. After collecting the data completely from the movie, the data was analyzed. Based on the results of data analysis, finding 1 utterance about tact maxims (7,14%), 2 utterances about generosity maxims (14,29%), 4 utterances about approbation maxims (28,57%), 3 utterances about modesty maxims (21,43%), 3 utterances about agreement maxims (21,43%), and 1 utterances about sympathy maxims (7,14%). From the data collection, it is found that the most dominant maxim that is used by Elizabeth Gilbert (Liz) as the main characters of Eat Pray Love movie is approbation maxims. The main characters shows their politeness by following the measurement of some pragmatics scales. This analysis data result shows that overall Elizabeth Gilbert (Liz) as the main character had demonstrated conformity to the principles of politeness according to Leech. In addition, the above findings indicate that the approbation maxim is the most widely performed maxims. |
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