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Judul Top-Down Strategy as a Strategy to Improve the students’ Listening Skill
No. Panggil
ISBN/ISSN 978-602-18907-0-7
Subyek/Subjek Bahasa Inggris
Judul Seri
GMD Makalah Seminar (Prosiding)
Bahasa English
Penerbit Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
Tahun Terbit 2012
Tempat Terbit Yogyakarta
Kolasi 522 - 528 hal
Detil Spesifik Abstrak: Ngafif, Abdul. Top-Down Strategy as a Strategy to Improve the students’ Listening Skill. English Department. Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 2012. English as a foreign language in Indonesia has been learned since elementary level. The students are introduced to English due to the language has become the bridge to the widespread knowledge from English itself until other scope of knowledge. In order to master English as second or foreign language, there are four basic language skills should be mastered by the learners, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening has become an important skill should be mastered by the students because through listening, the students are able to master other language skills i.e. speaking. That’s why, listening skill is also called as the foundation for other skills. One of the problems faced by the students is they have less knowledge on situations and pre-existent of the world, so that they have no sense to any text. As the result of it, they fail to catch the meaning of the text and they cannot comprehend the text. To solve the problem above, the teacher may apply some strategies in ELT, and one of them is top-down strategy. The concept of top-down strategy is the teacher stimulates the students by discussing general context of the text, talking about factual detail, and analyzing linguistic form of the text. The key point to apply top-down strategy is by activating students’ schemata. When human beings are stimulated by particular words, discourse patterns, or contexts, such schematic knowledge is activated and they are able to recognize what be seen or heard because it fits into patterns which are already known. The application of top-down strategy has some advantages. First, the students are guided to comprehend the material from the general context to the linguistic analysis. Second, by activating students’ schemata or background knowledge, the teaching learning process will run well because the students have the same perception on the topic being learned. Third, this method is easy to be applied Keywords: listening skill, top-down strategy
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